
Algorithm Theory


Optimal binary tree

In the range(i,j), if pick i as the root, then the left subtree will become (i,i-1) so have the dummy leaf di-1, so if pick j as the root, the right subtree become (j,j+1) have the dummy leaf dj.

Category theory

A category consists of objects and arrows that go between them.

-- A function can never be called
absurd :: Void -> a


Primitive : No property Abstraction Composition

Identity f . id_a = f id_a . f = f

Associativity h . (g . f) = (h . g) . f

Function : A mapping of values to values


Type are sets. In Set, objects are sets and morphisms (arrows) are functions. A set of morphisms between two objects in any category is called a hom-set.


Unicode ⊥. This “value” corresponds to a non-terminating computation.

f :: Bool -> Bool

Functions that may return bottom are called partial, as opposed to total functions, which return valid results for every possible argument.


preorder partial order A set of morphisms from object a to object b in a category C is called a hom-set and is written as C(a, b) (or, sometimes, HomC(a, b)). So every hom-set in a preorder is either empty or a singleton.


mappend maps an element of a monoid set to a function acting on that set A monoid is a single object category.


[2017-05-09 Tue 23:17] Kleisli category a category based on a monad. any category C we can define the opposite category Cop just by reversing all the arrows. terminal object is the initial object in the opposite category.


A product of two objects a and b is the object c equipped with two projections such that for any other object c’ equipped with two projections there is a unique morphism m from c’ to c that factorizes those projections.


surjective + injective = bijection (isomorphism)

Kleisli category


C x D = E

Covariant and Contravariant Functors

class Contravariant f where
contramap :: (b -> a) -> (f a -> f b)


C ^ op x D = E

Initial Object

The initial object is the object that has one and only one morphism going to any object in the category.

Yoneda lemma

CPS higher order function to data type [C,Set] (C(a,-),F) =~ Fa


c(L1,-) = Rc Data type as the key to get value

Lambda Mathematics


Zero: λs.(λz.z) 1 ≡ λsz.s(z) 2 ≡ λsz.s(s(z)) 3 ≡ λsz.s(s(s(z))) S ≡ λwyx.y(wyx)

Multiplication (λxyz.x(yz))

Conditionals T ≡ λxy.x F ≡ λxy.y ∧ ≡ λxy.xy(λuv.v) ≡ λxy.xyF ∨ ≡ λxy.x(λuv.u)y ≡ λxy.xTy ¬ ≡ λx.x(λuv.v)(λab.a) ≡ λx.xFT

conditional test Z ≡ λx.xF¬F (zero predicate)

Linear algebra

Linear transformation

Associative Use new base to represent the old A . B = C use column of A vector to represent the basis in B